What if you knew there was a natural way to stop asthma by getting to the root cause—an over-reaction of the immune system to something it should handle normally?? At Abundant Life we’ve found that allergies and asthma go hand in hand, and we have had success with asthma by first of all detecting which allergies are present, then using a cold laser to stimulate certain acupuncture meridians in the presence of the allergen, reprogramming the body to respond favorably to whatever was causing the immune stress and corresponding restriction of the airwaves. The next time the person comes in contact with the allergen, the body stays in a balanced state and has no reaction.
In the case of Asthma, most often there are infections in the lungs which are "stuck" and the immune system needs help in eradicating them. In addition to this, one of the auto-immune allergies that can happen with the lungs is an allergy to lung tissue itself, and even an allergy to the aveoli (the tiny air sacs at the end of the bronchioles where the exchange of oxygen takes place). Clinically this is the biggest reason I have discovered for asthma. Once any infections are eradicated and the auto-immune lung allergies are cleared, the lungs can heal and asthma symptoms can completely go away!
One client who had what his wife described as a "junky lung cough" for most of his 33 yr old life was found to have an allergy to lung tissue as well as the aveoli, and fungal infections in his lungs. When this was cleared, his symptoms improved almost right away, as his lungs were finally able to heal.
Most medical professionals use medications and inhalers to control the condition, creating side effects later in life because of only treating the symptoms. Getting to the root by clearing the allergy or getting rid of any infections is a much safer alternative.
Clearing these allergies provides almost instant relief; however for best results at Abundant Life a complete evaluation will determine what other barriers are preventing your body from operating at its best and work to systematically remove them while providing nutritional support so the body can resolve its health problems naturally. To determine the underlying causes of your symptoms, we utilize Nutrition Response Testing (NRT), a quick, non-invasive, clinically proven system of analyzing the body. It is one of the fastest ways to accurately detect food allergies, heavy metal and chemical toxicity, infections such as Candida and parasites, and stressed organs, as well as the exact solutions that will work with your biochemistry.
Throw away your inhaler and breathe a sigh of relief once and for all!